How to book online

If you are struggling to make a booking online please check out the list of frequently asked questions below for a possible solution or contact our reception team.

Register an account with Horizons

University staff and students

  • University staff and students do not need to register for an account and can login using their University username and password.

Saints Sport Community members

  • Community members will need to register an account with Horizons before booking online.
  • You will need to know your Saints Sport membership number to register an account. If you do not know your membership number, please contact our reception team.

Junior Saints members

  • Junior Saints members need to register an account with Horizons to make online bookings.
  • The account must be setup in the name of the child that you are booking for and using the email address provided when applying for their Junior Saints membership.
  • You will need to know your child's Junior Saints membership number to register on Horizons. If you do not know your membership number, please contact our reception team.
  • After registration has been completed please log in with your chosen username and password.
  • Please note: you will need to create a separate account for each child - you can use the same email address but the username must be unique.

My child doesn't have a Junior Saints membership

  • To register your child for a FREE Junior Saints membership please download and complete the Junior Saints Registration Form and either email it to or hand it in at the Saints Sport reception.
  • Reception will email you back with your child's membership number, which you can use to create an online account with Horizons.

How far ahead can I book?

Saints Sport members

  • Activites and classes up to 7 days in advance
  • Saints Sport golf lessons will be available to book more than 14 days in advance

Junior Saints members

  • All Junior Saints weekly classes and holiday camps will be available to book more than 14 days in advance

How do I make a booking

  • Please select an activity, class or course from the search box on the left
  • Select the activity you wish to book (select [all classes] to view the classes available on a particular day)
  • Select preferred dates and times
  • Click Search
  • Add your booking to the basket and confirm who the booking is for
  • Agree to our terms and conditions and then click 'Make payment' to complete the transaction

How do I cancel a booking

Any activity or class you have booked but can no longer attend can be cancelled:

  • In person at Saints Sport Reception
  • By phone, calling 01334 46 2190

Some bookings may also be cancelled online using Horizons - but only if you have used this method to book the specific activity/class

  • Login to Horizons
  • Select Account History from the top navigation bar
  • Search for the activity/class you wish to cancel using the filters available
  • A red cross will display next to any booking that can be cancelled - simply click the red 'x' icon and confirm on the popup that appears
  • Please note that some courses, including Junior Saints classes and camps and golf lessons cannot be cancelled online

How do I book a Junior Saints camp or class online?

  1. Log in with your child's account username and password
  2. Ensure this is your child's membership account and not your staff username and password as this will cause an error message to show
  3. Click 'Courses' on the left-hand side
  4. Click 'Activity' – a list of current activities available to book will come up in a drop-down menu, choose the camp that you are wanting to book your child on
  5. Choose the month that you want to book (the month that the camp starts on)
  6. Click Search
  7. Scroll through until you find the camp you would like to book for your child
  8. Add to basket (multiple days/weeks can be added to your basket but only for the child you are signed in with)
  9. Payment details

How do I book multiple children onto Junior Saints camps and classes online?

  • If you have multiple children attending Junior Saints camps or classes, you will need to book for each child separately.
  • You will need to log in with one child, book your desired classes and purchase, before logging out and repeating this process with your other children using their separate log in details.

I am receiving a 'too soon to book' error message, why?

  • A 'too soon to book' error message normally shows if you are trying to book in advance more days than your membership is allowed. Junior Saints memberships are set to being allowed to book 180 days in advance so if you are seeing the 'too soon to book' message it is most likely because you aren't logged in using your child's account.
  • If you are, however, logged in with your child's account details, then it could be an issue with previous payments or bookings not fulfilled. If you are getting this message, then please give our reception team a call on 01334 462190 who will deal with the issue and get your child booked in.

I am receiving a 'price unavailable' error message, why?

  • A 'Price Unavailable' error message means that there is no price set up for that type of membership.
  • We don't set up a price for staff members so that you cannot accidentally book yourself onto the course and not your child. If this happened we wouldn't have your child's name on the register or important medical details.
  • Please check you are logged in using your child's account details.

Why is there a red circle with a line through it beside the class I want to book?

  • The class is fully booked.